Module ZCongruences

Require Import
  Utf8 String Coqlib Integers ArithLib AdomLib ToString FastArith.

Require Import
  ZIntervals AbIdealNonrel IdealExpr ZCongruences_defs
  AbIdealEnv IdealBoxDomain Util.

Definition extern_top (ab:zcongr) : zcongr+⊤ :=
  if Nfasteqb ab.(zc_mod) F1 then All else Just ab.

Definition intern_top (ab:zcongr+⊤) : zcongr :=
  match ab with
  | All => top
  | Just ab => ab

Abstract Operators.

Program Definition zc_const (z: Zfast) : zcongr := ZC z F0 _.
Lemma zc_const_sound:
  ∀ (n:Z), n ∈ γ (zc_const n).
intros. exists 0. simpl. Psatz.lia. Qed.

Definition zc_true : zcongr := zc_const F1.
Definition zc_false: zcongr := zc_const F0.
Definition zc_bool (b: bool) : zcongr := if b then zc_true else zc_false.

Lemma zc_bool_sound b : ((if b return Zfast then F1 else F0):Z) ∈ γ(zc_bool b).
destruct b; exists 0; reflexivity. Qed.

Program Definition zc_add (plus: ZfastZfastZfast) (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  let m := Nfastgcd x.(zc_mod) y.(zc_mod) in
  let r := plus x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem) in
  ZC (if Nfasteqb m F0 then r else Zfastmod r m) m _.
Next Obligation.
fastunwrap. destruct N.gcd. discriminate. apply Z_mod_lt. auto. Qed.

Lemma zc_add_sound (plus: ZfastZfastZfast) (x y: zcongr) (i j: Z) :
  (∀ n u u' v v', uu' [n] → vv' [n] → plus u vplus u' v' [n]) →
  γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_add plus x y) (plus i j:Z).
  intros COMPAT. unfold zc_add.
  destruct x as [[xr] [xm] ?]. destruct y as [[yr] [ym] ?]. simpl.
  intros [p Hp] [q Hq]. simpl in Hp, Hq. unfold zc_gamma. simpl. fastunwrap. subst.
  destruct (N.eqb_spec (N.gcd xm ym) 0).
  - apply N.gcd_eq_0 in e. destruct e. subst. exists 0. ring_simplify.
    f_equal; f_equal; f_equal; ring.
  - eapply congr_trans, congr_mod_compat. 2:Psatz.lia.
    rewrite Ngcd_is_Zgcd. apply COMPAT; (eapply congr_divide; [eexists; reflexivity|]).
    apply Zgcd_divides_l. apply Zgcd_divides_r.

Program Definition zc_neg x :=
  ZC (if Nfasteqb x.(zc_mod) F0 then Zfastopp x.(zc_rem)
      else Zfastmod (Zfastopp x.(zc_rem)) x.(zc_mod))
     x.(zc_mod) _.
Next Obligation.
  fastunwrap. destruct (x.(zc_mod)) as [[]]. discriminate. apply Z_mod_lt. auto.

Lemma zc_neg_sound x (i:Z) :
  γ x i → γ (zc_neg x) (-i).
  intros. unfold zc_neg, zc_gamma in *. simpl in *. fastunwrap.
  destruct (x.(zc_mod)) as [[]]. apply congr_neg_compat, H.
  simpl. eapply congr_trans, congr_mod_compat. 2:Psatz.lia.
  apply congr_neg_compat. auto.

Program Definition zc_mul (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  let g1 := Nfastgcd (Zfastabs x.(zc_rem)) x.(zc_mod) in
  let g2 := Nfastgcd (Nfastmul g1 y.(zc_mod))
                     (Nfastmul (Zfastabs y.(zc_rem)) x.(zc_mod))
  let r := Zfastmul x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem) in
  ZC (if Nfasteqb g2 F0 then r else Zfastmod r g2) g2 _.
Next Obligation.
  fastunwrap. rewrite (proj2 (N.eqb_neq _ _)) by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z_mod_lt. Psatz.lia.

Lemma zc_mul_sound x y (i j:Z) :
  γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_mul x y) (i * j).
  unfold zc_mul.
  destruct x as [[xr] [xm]], y as [[yr] [ym]]. simpl. intros [qx Hx] [qy Hy].
  unfold zc_gamma. simpl in *. fastunwrap.
  set (m := N.gcd (N.gcd (Z.abs_N xr) xm * ym) (Z.abs_N yr * xm)).
  assert (m | (xr*yr - i*j)).
  { subst m xr yr.
    replace ((i + qx * (Z.of_N xm)) * (j + qy * (Z.of_N ym)) - i * j)
    with (((j+qy*ym)*xm)*qx + ((i+qx*xm)*qy-xm*qx*qy)*ym) by (fastunwrap; ring).
    rewrite !Ngcd_is_Zgcd, !N2Z.inj_mul, !Ngcd_is_Zgcd by Psatz.lia.
    replace (Z.of_N xm) with (Z.of_N (Z.abs_N xm)) by (destruct xm; auto).
    rewrite <- N2Z.inj_mul, <- Zabs2N.inj_mul, !N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.gcd_abs_l, Z.gcd_abs_r.
    fastunwrap. replace (Z.abs (Z.of_N xm)) with (Z.of_N xm) by Psatz.lia.
    apply Z.divide_add_r.
    eapply Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_r.
    eapply Z.divide_trans, Z.mul_divide_mono_r, Z.divide_sub_r. apply Zgcd_divides_l.
    apply Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_l.
    apply Z.divide_mul_l, Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_r. }
  destruct (N.eqb_spec m 0).
  - rewrite e in *. apply Z.divide_0_l in H. exists 0. simpl. Psatz.lia.
  - eapply congr_trans, congr_mod_compat. 2:Psatz.lia.
    destruct H as [q H]. exists q. fastunwrap. Psatz.lia.

Program Definition zc_quot_pos (x: zcongr) (y: Nfast) : zcongr :=
  match divide (Nfast_of_Zfast (Zfastabs x.(zc_rem))) y,
        divide x.(zc_mod) y with
  | true, true =>
    {| zc_rem := Zfastdiv x.(zc_rem) y ; zc_mod := Nfastdiv x.(zc_mod) y |}
  | _, _ => ⊤
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in Heq_anonymous, Heq_anonymous0.
  apply divide_ok in Heq_anonymous. apply divide_ok in Heq_anonymous0.
  fastunwrap. rewrite in Heq_anonymous by Psatz.lia.
  pose proof (zc_rem_itv x). destruct (zc_mod x) as [[]].
  rewrite N.div_0_l in H; discriminate. specialize (H0 eq_refl). destruct H0.
  destruct y as [[|y]]. discriminate. split.
  - apply Z_div_le with (c:=Npos y) in H0. rewrite Z.div_0_l in H0.
    auto. discriminate. reflexivity.
  - rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N in Heq_anonymous.
    apply -> Z.divide_abs_r in Heq_anonymous. destruct Heq_anonymous, Heq_anonymous0.
    simpl in *. rewrite N2Z.inj_gt, N2Z.inj_div in *.
    simpl in *. rewrite H2, H3 in *. clear H2 p H3 x.
    rewrite !Z.div_mul in * by discriminate.
    eapply Zmult_lt_reg_r; eauto. reflexivity.

Lemma zc_quot_pos_sound x y (i:Z) :
  γ x i → γ (zc_quot_pos x (N.pos y)) (i ÷ Zpos y).
  unfold zc_quot_pos.
  generalize (zc_quot_pos_obligation_1 x (N.pos y)).
  repeat match goal with
  | |- context [divide ?a ?b] =>
    pose proof divide_ok a b; destruct (divide a b)
  end; intros; try apply top_correct.
  simpl. unfold zc_gamma. simpl. clear a.
  destruct H as [? _], H0 as [? _]. specialize (H eq_refl). specialize (H0 eq_refl).
  fastunwrap. rewrite in H by Psatz.lia.
  rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N in H. apply -> Z.divide_abs_r in H.
  destruct H1 as [q Hq]. exists q.
  assert (Z.pos y | i).
  { replace i with (x.(zc_rem) - q*x.(zc_mod)) by Psatz.lia.
    apply Z.divide_sub_r, Z.divide_mul_r; auto. }
  rewrite Hq. rewrite Z.quot_div_exact by easy.
  destruct H1. subst i.
  rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l, Z_div_mult_full, N2Z.inj_div by discriminate.
  rewrite Z.divide_div_mul_exact. auto. discriminate. auto.

Program Definition zc_div_pos (x: zcongr) (y: Nfast) : zcongr :=
  match divide x.(zc_mod) y with
  | true => {| zc_rem := Zfastdiv x.(zc_rem) y;
               zc_mod := Nfastdiv x.(zc_mod) y |}
  | _ => top
Next Obligation.
  pose proof (zc_rem_itv x). destruct (zc_mod x) as [[]].
  rewrite N.div_0_l in H; discriminate. destruct y as [[|y]]. discriminate.
  specialize (H0 eq_refl). destruct H0.
  symmetry in Heq_anonymous. apply divide_ok in Heq_anonymous.
  - apply Z_div_le with (c:=N.pos y) in H0. rewrite Z.div_0_l in H0.
    auto. discriminate. reflexivity.
  - destruct Heq_anonymous. fastunwrap.
    rewrite N2Z.inj_gt, N2Z.inj_div, H2 in *. clear H2 p.
    simpl in *. rewrite !Z.div_mul in * by discriminate.
    eapply Zmult_lt_reg_r with (p:=Z.pos y). reflexivity.
    pose proof (Zmod_eq (zc_rem x) (Z.pos y) eq_refl).
    pose proof (Z_mod_lt (zc_rem x) (Z.pos y) eq_refl).

Lemma zc_div_pos_sound x y (i:Z) :
  γ x i → γ (zc_div_pos x (N.pos y)) (i / Zpos y).
  unfold zc_div_pos. generalize (zc_div_pos_obligation_1 x (N.pos y)).
  repeat match goal with
  | |- context [divide ?a ?b] =>
    pose proof divide_ok a b; destruct (divide a b)
  end; intros; try apply top_correct.
  destruct x as [[xr] [xm]]. destruct H0 as [q Hq]. unfold zc_gamma. simpl in *. subst.
  clear a. destruct H as [? _]. specialize (H eq_refl).
  exists q. destruct H. rewrite N2Z.inj_div, H. simpl.
  rewrite Z_div_mult_full by discriminate. rewrite Z.mul_assoc.
  rewrite Z.div_add by discriminate. auto.

Definition zc_quot (x y: zcongr) : zcongr+⊥ :=
  if Nfasteqb y.(zc_mod) F0
  then match Zfastcompare y.(zc_rem) F0 with
       | Eq => Bot
       | Lt => NotBot (zc_neg (zc_quot_pos x (Nfast_of_Zfast (Zfastopp y.(zc_rem)))))
       | Gt => NotBot (zc_quot_pos x (Nfast_of_Zfast (y.(zc_rem))))
  else top.

Lemma zc_quot_sound x y (i j:Z) :
  γ x i → γ y jj <> 0 -> γ (zc_quot x y) (i ÷ j).
  unfold zc_quot. fastunwrap. destruct y as [[yr] [ym]].
  simpl. destruct ym. 2:intros; apply top_correct. simpl.
  unfold zc_gamma; simpl; intros. destruct H0.
  assert (j = yr) by Psatz.lia. clear H0. subst.
  destruct yr as [|y'|y']; fastunwrap.
  - simpl. auto.
  - apply zc_quot_pos_sound. auto.
  - unfold
    change (Z.neg y') with (-Z.pos y'). rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_r.
    apply zc_neg_sound, zc_quot_pos_sound. auto.

Definition zc_shl (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  if Nfasteqb y.(zc_mod) F0
  then match Zfastcompare y.(zc_rem) F0 with
       | Eq => x
       | Gt => zc_mul x (zc_const (Zfastshl F1 y.(zc_rem)))
       | Lt => zc_div_pos x (Nfastshl F1 (Nfast_of_Zfast (Zfastopp y.(zc_rem))))
  else top.

Lemma zc_shl_sound x y (i j:Z) :
  γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_shl x y) (Z.shiftl i j).
  unfold zc_shl. destruct y as [[yr] [ym]]. destruct ym; auto; simpl.
  2:intros; apply top_correct. fastunwrap.
  intros K H. apply congr_0_eq in H. subst.
  destruct yr as [|y'|y']. exact K.
  - simpl zc_rem. fastunwrap. rewrite !Z.shiftl_mul_pow2, Z.mul_1_l by Psatz.lia.
    apply zc_mul_sound, zc_const_sound. auto.
  - simpl zc_rem. fastunwrap.
    rewrite !Z.shiftl_div_pow2, N.shiftl_mul_pow2, N.mul_1_l by Psatz.lia.
    simpl. rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_pow_pos. apply zc_div_pos_sound, K.

Definition zc_shr (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  if Nfasteqb y.(zc_mod) F0
  then match Zfastcompare y.(zc_rem) F0 with
       | Eq => x
       | Lt => zc_mul x (zc_const (Zfastshr F1 y.(zc_rem)))
       | Gt => zc_div_pos x (Nfastshl F1 (Nfast_of_Zfast y.(zc_rem)))
  else top.

Lemma zc_shr_sound x y (i j:Z) :
  γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_shr x y) (Z.shiftr i j).
  unfold zc_shr. destruct y as [[yr] [ym]]. destruct ym; auto; simpl.
  2:intros; apply top_correct. fastunwrap.
  intros K H. apply congr_0_eq in H. subst.
  destruct yr as [|y'|y']. exact K.
  - simpl zc_rem. fastunwrap.
    rewrite !Z.shiftr_div_pow2, N.shiftl_mul_pow2, N.mul_1_l by Psatz.lia.
    simpl. rewrite <- Pos2Z.inj_pow_pos. apply zc_div_pos_sound, K.
  - simpl zc_rem. fastunwrap. rewrite !Z.shiftr_mul_pow2, Z.mul_1_l by Psatz.lia.
    apply zc_mul_sound, zc_const_sound. auto.

Program Definition zc_remainder (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  let y' := Zfastabs y.(zc_rem) in
  if Nfasteqb y.(zc_mod) F0 && divide x.(zc_rem) y' && divide x.(zc_mod) y'
  then zc_const F0
    let m := Nfastgcd x.(zc_mod) (Nfastgcd y.(zc_mod) (Zfastabs y.(zc_rem))) in
    ZC (if Nfasteqb m F0 then x.(zc_rem) else Zfastmod x.(zc_rem) m) m _.
Next Obligation.
fastunwrap. destruct N.gcd. discriminate. apply Z_mod_lt. auto. Qed.

Lemma zc_remainder_sound x y (i j:Z) :
  j <> 0 -> γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_remainder x y) (Z.rem i j).
  unfold zc_remainder.
  destruct y as [[yr] [ym]], x as [[xr] [xm]]. simpl. intros Hj [qx Hx] [qy Hy]. simpl in *.
  destruct (Nfasteqb ym F0 && divide xr (Zfastabs yr) &&
                              divide xm (Zfastabs yr)) eqn:?.
  { rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff in Heqb. fastunwrap. destruct Heqb as [[??]?].
    apply N.eqb_eq in H. subst ym. apply divide_ok in H0. apply divide_ok in H1.
    fastunwrap. rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.divide_abs_l in *.
    exists 0. simpl. erewrite (proj2 (Z.rem_divide _ _ Hj)). auto.
    replace i with (i + qx * xm - qx * xm) by ring.
    replace j with yr in * by Psatz.lia. clear Hy zc_rem_itv.
    apply Z.divide_sub_r. subst xr. auto. apply Z.divide_mul_r. auto. }
  unfold zc_gamma. simpl. fastunwrap. set (m:=N.gcd xm (N.gcd ym (Z.abs_N yr))).
  assert (m|xr - Z.rem i j).
  { subst m xr yr. rewrite Z.rem_eq by auto.
    replace (i + qx * (Z.of_N xm) - (i - j * (i ÷ j)))
    with (Z.of_N xm * qx + ((j + qy * ym) * (i ÷ j) - ym * (qy * (i ÷ j)))) by ring.
    fastunwrap. rewrite !Ngcd_is_Zgcd, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.gcd_abs_r.
    apply Z.divide_add_r, Z.divide_sub_r.
    apply Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_l.
    eapply Zdivides_trans, Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_r. apply Zgcd_divides_r.
    eapply Zdivides_trans, Z.divide_mul_l, Zgcd_divides_l. apply Zgcd_divides_r. }
  destruct m.
  apply Z.divide_0_l in H. exists 0. simpl. Psatz.lia.
  eapply congr_trans, congr_mod_compat, eq_refl.
  destruct H as [q H]. exists q. simpl in *. Psatz.lia.

Definition zc_cmp_eq (b: bool) (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  match Nfasteqb x.(zc_mod) F0, Nfasteqb y.(zc_mod) F0 with
  | true, true => zc_bool (Bool.eqb b (Zfasteqb x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)))
  | true, false =>
    if divide (Zfastsub x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)) y.(zc_mod) then top
    else zc_bool (negb b)
  | fase, true =>
    if divide (Zfastsub x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)) x.(zc_mod) then top
    else zc_bool (negb b)
  | false, false =>

Definition zc_cmp (cmp: comparison) (x y: zcongr) : zcongr :=
  match cmp with
  | Ceq => zc_cmp_eq true x y
  | Cne => zc_cmp_eq false x y
  | _ =>

Definition zc_forward_unop op (x:zcongr+⊤) : zcongr+⊤ :=
  match op with
  | IOneg => match x with All => All | Just x => Just (zc_neg x) end
  | IOnot => extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub (zc_const (Fm1)) (intern_top x))
  | IOnegf | IOabsf | IOsingleoffloat | IOzoffloat | IOfloatofz | IOsingleofz
    => All

Definition zc_backward_unop op (ab:zcongr+⊤) : zcongr+⊤ :=
  match op with
  | IOneg => match ab with All => All | Just ab => Just (zc_neg ab) end
  | IOnot => extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub (zc_const F1) (intern_top ab))
  | _ => top

Lemma lor_pos_neg:
  ∀ a, ∃ (k:N), Z.lor (Z.pos a) (Z.neg a) = -2^k.
  simpl. destruct a; simpl.
  - replace (Pos.ldiff a a) with 0%N by (symmetry; apply (N.ldiff_diag (N.pos a))).
    exists 0%N. auto.
  - induction a; simpl.
    + simpl. replace (Pos.ldiff a a) with 0%N by (symmetry; apply (N.ldiff_diag (N.pos a))).
      exists 1%N. auto.
    + assert (∀ x, Z.neg (N.succ_pos (Pos.Nsucc_double x)) = -2*x-2)%Z.
      { intros []. auto. simpl. intro. rewrite Pos.add_1_r. auto. }
      rewrite H.
      destruct IHa as [k Hk]. exists (k+1)%N.
      rewrite N2Z.inj_add, Z.pow_add_r, Zopp_mult_distr_l, <- Hk by (zify; omega).
      destruct Pos.ldiff. auto. simpl. zify; omega.
    + exists 1%N. auto.
  - exists 0%N. auto.

Lemma lor_opp:
  ∀ a, a = 0 \/ ∃ (k:N), Z.lor a (-a) = -2^k.
  intros. destruct a. auto.
  right. apply lor_pos_neg.
  right. rewrite Z.lor_comm. apply lor_pos_neg.

Program Definition zc_forward_and x y :=
  let maskx := Zfastlor x.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp x.(zc_mod)) in
  let masky := Zfastlor y.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp y.(zc_mod)) in
  let unknownx := Zfastlor maskx x.(zc_rem) in
  let unknowny := Zfastlor masky y.(zc_rem) in
  let unknowndirect := Zfastlor maskx masky in
  let unknown := Zfastland (Zfastland unknownx unknowny) unknowndirect in
  let modu := Zfastlor unknown (Zfastopp unknown) in
  let rem := Zfastland (Zfastland x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)) (Zfastsub Fm1 modu) in
  ZC rem (Zfastabs modu) _.
Next Obligation.
  match goal with
  | |- context [Z.lor (?unknown0) (-?unknown0)] => set (unknown:=unknown0) in *
  change (0 <= ( (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y))
                      (-1- Z.lor unknown (- unknown))
          < Z.of_N (Z.abs_N (Z.lor unknown (- unknown)))).
  rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N.
  destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H0 in H. discriminate.
  rewrite Hk, Z.abs_neq'; rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
  2:apply Z.pow_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  set (rem := ( (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y)) (-1--2 ^ k)).
  assert (0 <= rem).
  { apply Z.land_nonneg. right.
    assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
    Psatz.lia. }
  split. auto. fastunwrap. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 rem).
  2:replace rem with 0 by omega; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.log2_lt_cancel. rewrite Z.log2_pow2 by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.bit_log2 in l. unfold rem at 1 in l.
  fastunwrap. replace (-1 - - 2 ^ Z.of_N k) with (Z.lnot (-1*2^Z.of_N k)) in l
    by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  apply Z.nle_gt. intro.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.lnot_spec, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2,
          Z.shiftl_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in l
    by (Psatz.lia || apply Z.log2_nonneg).

Program Definition zc_forward_or x y :=
  let maskx := Zfastlor x.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp x.(zc_mod)) in
  let masky := Zfastlor y.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp y.(zc_mod)) in
  let unknownx := Zfastlor maskx (Zfastlnot x.(zc_rem)) in
  let unknowny := Zfastlor masky (Zfastlnot y.(zc_rem)) in
  let unknowndirect := Zfastlor maskx masky in
  let unknown := Zfastland (Zfastland unknownx unknowny) unknowndirect in
  let modu := Zfastlor unknown (Zfastopp unknown) in
  let rem := Zfastland (Zfastlor x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)) (Zfastsub Fm1 modu) in
  ZC rem (Zfastabs modu) _.
Next Obligation.
  match goal with
  | |- context [Z.lor (?unknown0) (-?unknown0)] => set (unknown:=unknown0) in *
  change (0 <= (Z.lor (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y))
                      (-1- Z.lor unknown (- unknown))
          < Z.of_N (Z.abs_N (Z.lor unknown (- unknown)))).
  destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H0 in H. discriminate.
  rewrite Hk, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq'; rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
  2:apply Z.pow_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  set (rem := (Z.lor (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y)) (-1 - - 2 ^ k)).
  assert (0 <= rem).
  { apply Z.land_nonneg. right.
    assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
    Psatz.lia. }
  split. auto. fastunwrap. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 rem).
  2:replace rem with 0 by omega; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.log2_lt_cancel. rewrite Z.log2_pow2 by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.bit_log2 in l. unfold rem at 1 in l.
  fastunwrap. replace (-1 - - 2 ^ Z.of_N k) with (Z.lnot (-1*2^Z.of_N k)) in l
    by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  apply Z.nle_gt. intro.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.lnot_spec, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2,
          Z.shiftl_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in l
    by (Psatz.lia || apply Z.log2_nonneg).

Program Definition zc_forward_xor x y :=
  let maskx := Zfastlor x.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp x.(zc_mod)) in
  let masky := Zfastlor y.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp y.(zc_mod)) in
  let unknown := Zfastlor maskx masky in
  let modu := Zfastlor unknown (Zfastopp unknown) in
  let rem := Zfastland (Zfastlxor x.(zc_rem) y.(zc_rem)) (Zfastsub Fm1 modu) in
  ZC rem (Zfastabs modu) _.
Next Obligation.
  match goal with
  | |- context [Z.lor (?unknown0) (-?unknown0)] => set (unknown:=unknown0) in *
  change (0 <= (Z.lxor (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y))
                      (-1- Z.lor unknown (- unknown))
          < Z.of_N (Z.abs_N (Z.lor unknown (- unknown)))).
  destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H0 in H. discriminate.
  rewrite Hk, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq'; rewrite Z.opp_involutive. 2:apply Z.pow_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  set (rem := (Z.lxor (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y)) (-1 - - 2 ^ k)).
  assert (0 <= rem).
  { apply Z.land_nonneg. right.
    assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
    Psatz.lia. }
  split. auto. fastunwrap. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 rem).
  2:replace rem with 0 by omega; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.log2_lt_cancel. rewrite Z.log2_pow2 by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.bit_log2 in l. unfold rem at 1 in l.
  fastunwrap. replace (-1 - - 2 ^ Z.of_N k) with (Z.lnot (-1*2^Z.of_N k)) in l
    by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  apply Z.nle_gt. intro.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.lnot_spec, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2,
          Z.shiftl_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in l
    by (Psatz.lia || apply Z.log2_nonneg).

Definition zc_forward_binop op (x y:zcongr+⊤) : zcongr+⊤+⊥ :=
  match op with
  | IOadd | IOsub | IOmul | IOdiv | IOshl | IOshr | IOmod | IOcmp _
  | IOand | IOor | IOxor =>
    let x := intern_top x in
    let y := intern_top y in
    match op with
    | IOadd => NotBot (extern_top (zc_add Zfastadd x y))
    | IOsub => NotBot (extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub x y))
    | IOmul => NotBot (extern_top (zc_mul x y))
    | IOdiv => fmap extern_top (zc_quot x y)
    | IOshl => NotBot (extern_top (zc_shl x y))
    | IOshr => NotBot (extern_top (zc_shr x y))
    | IOmod => NotBot (extern_top (zc_remainder x y))
    | IOcmp cmp => NotBot (extern_top (zc_cmp cmp x y))
    | IOand => NotBot (extern_top (zc_forward_and x y))
    | IOor => NotBot (extern_top (zc_forward_or x y))
    | IOxor => NotBot (extern_top (zc_forward_xor x y))
    | _ => top
  | IOcmpf _ | IOaddf | IOsubf | IOmulf | IOdivf => top

Definition zc_bw_cmp (cmp: comparison) (res: zcongr) (x y: zcongr) : (zcongr+⊤ * zcongr+⊤)+⊥ :=
  if Nfasteqb res.(zc_mod) F0
  then let cmp := if Zfasteqb res.(zc_rem) F0 then negate_comparison cmp else cmp in
       match cmp with
       | Ceq => do z <- xy; ret (extern_top z, extern_top z)
       | _ => ret (extern_top x, extern_top y)
  else NotBot (extern_top x, extern_top y).

Definition zc_backward_add res l r :=
  NotBot (extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub res r), extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub res l)).

Definition zc_backward_sub res l r :=
  NotBot (extern_top (zc_add Zfastadd res r), extern_top (zc_add Zfastsub l res)).

Program Definition zc_backward_mod res (l r:zcongr) :=
  let m := Nfastgcd res.(zc_mod) (Nfastgcd r.(zc_mod) (Zfastabs r.(zc_rem))) in
  NotBot (
      extern_top (ZC (if Nfasteqb m F0 then res.(zc_rem)
                      else Zfastmod res.(zc_rem) m) m _),
Next Obligation.
fastunwrap. destruct N.gcd. discriminate. apply Z_mod_lt. auto. Qed.

Program Definition zc_backward_and_l res x y :=
  let maskres := Zfastlor res.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp res.(zc_mod)) in
  let maskx := Zfastlor x.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp x.(zc_mod)) in
  let masky := Zfastlor y.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp y.(zc_mod)) in
  let unknown0res :=
    Zfastlor (Zfastlor (res.(zc_rem)) (Zfastlnot y.(zc_rem)))
             (Zfastlor masky maskres)
  let unknown0 := Zfastland unknown0res (Zfastlor maskx x.(zc_rem)) in
  let unknown1res := Zfastlor (Zfastlnot res.(zc_rem)) maskres in
  let unknown1 := Zfastland unknown1res (Zfastlor maskx (Zfastlnot x.(zc_rem))) in
  if Zfasteqb (Zfastlor unknown0 unknown1) Fm1 then
    let unknown := Zfastland unknown0 unknown1 in
    let modu := Zfastlor unknown (Zfastopp unknown) in
    let rem := Zfastland (Zfastland unknown0 (Zfastlnot unknown1)) (Zfastsub Fm1 modu) in
    NotBot (ZC rem (Zfastabs modu) _)
  else Bot.
Next Obligation.
  repeat match goal with
  | |- context [Z.lor (?x) (-?x)] =>
    try (unfold x; fail 1); let u := fresh "z" in set (u:=x) in *
  destruct (lor_opp z2) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H0 in H. discriminate.
  rewrite Hk, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq'; rewrite Z.opp_involutive. 2:apply Z.pow_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  match goal with |- context [0 <= ?rem'] => set (rem := rem') end.
  assert (0 <= rem).
  { apply Z.land_nonneg. right.
    assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
    change (0 <= -1 + 2 ^ k). Psatz.lia. }
  split. auto. fastunwrap. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 rem).
  2:replace rem with 0 by omega; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.log2_lt_cancel. rewrite Z.log2_pow2 by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.bit_log2 in l. unfold rem at 1 in l.
  fastunwrap. assert (-1 + 2 ^ Z.of_N k = Z.lnot (-1*2^Z.of_N k)) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  simpl Z.add in H1. rewrite H1 in l.
  apply Z.nle_gt. intro.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.lnot_spec, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2,
          Z.shiftl_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in l
    by (Psatz.lia || apply Z.log2_nonneg).

Program Definition zc_backward_or_l res x y :=
  let maskres := Zfastlor res.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp res.(zc_mod)) in
  let maskx := Zfastlor x.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp x.(zc_mod)) in
  let masky := Zfastlor y.(zc_mod) (Zfastopp y.(zc_mod)) in
  let unknown1res :=
    Zfastlor (Zfastlor (Zfastlnot res.(zc_rem)) y.(zc_rem))
             (Zfastlor masky maskres)
  let unknown1 := Zfastland unknown1res (Zfastlor maskx (Zfastlnot x.(zc_rem))) in
  let unknown0res := Zfastlor res.(zc_rem) maskres in
  let unknown0 := Zfastland unknown0res (Zfastlor maskx x.(zc_rem)) in
  if Zfasteqb (Zfastlor unknown0 unknown1) Fm1 then
    let unknown := Zfastland unknown0 unknown1 in
    let modu := Zfastlor unknown (Zfastopp unknown) in
    let rem := Zfastland (Zfastland unknown0 (Zfastlnot unknown1))
                         (Zfastsub Fm1 modu) in
    NotBot (ZC rem (Zfastabs modu) _)
Next Obligation.
  repeat match goal with
  | |- context [Z.lor (?x) (-?x)] =>
    try (unfold x; fail 1); let u := fresh "z" in set (u:=x) in *
  destruct (lor_opp z2) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H0 in H. discriminate.
  rewrite Hk, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq'; rewrite Z.opp_involutive. 2:apply Z.pow_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  match goal with |- context [0 <= ?rem'] => set (rem := rem') end.
  assert (0 <= rem).
  { apply Z.land_nonneg. right.
    assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
    change (0 <= -1 + 2 ^ k). Psatz.lia. }
  split. auto. fastunwrap. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 rem).
  2:replace rem with 0 by omega; apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.log2_lt_cancel. rewrite Z.log2_pow2 by Psatz.lia.
  apply Z.bit_log2 in l. unfold rem at 1 in l.
  fastunwrap. assert (-1 + 2 ^ Z.of_N k = Z.lnot (-1*2^Z.of_N k)) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  simpl Z.add in H1. rewrite H1 in l.
  apply Z.nle_gt. intro.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.lnot_spec, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2,
          Z.shiftl_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in l
    by (Psatz.lia || apply Z.log2_nonneg).

Definition zc_backward_binop op res l r :=
  match op with
  | IOadd => zc_backward_add res (intern_top l) (intern_top r)
  | IOsub => zc_backward_sub res (intern_top l) (intern_top r)
  | IOmod => zc_backward_mod res (intern_top l) (intern_top r)
  | IOand =>
    let l := intern_top l in let r := intern_top r in
    do l <- zc_backward_and_l res l r;
    do r <- zc_backward_and_l res r l;
    ret (extern_top l, extern_top r)
  | IOor =>
    let l := intern_top l in let r := intern_top r in
    do l <- zc_backward_or_l res l r;
    do r <- zc_backward_or_l res r l;
    ret (extern_top l, extern_top r)
  | IOxor =>
    let l := intern_top l in let r := intern_top r in
    NotBot (extern_top (zc_forward_xor res r),
            extern_top (zc_forward_xor res l))
  | IOcmp cmp =>
    zc_bw_cmp cmp res (intern_top l) (intern_top r)
  | _ => NotBot (top, top)

Lemma lor_div:
  ∀ a, (Z.lor a (-a)|a).
intros. destruct (lor_opp a) as [|[k Hk]].
- exists 0. auto.
- rewrite Hk. exists (-Z.shiftr a k).
  apply Z.bits_inj'. intros. fastunwrap.
  rewrite Z.mul_opp_opp, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2, Z.shiftl_spec by Psatz.lia.
  destruct (Z_lt_dec (n-Z.of_N k) 0). 2:rewrite Z.shiftr_spec; f_equal; Psatz.lia.
  rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r with (n:=n-Z.of_N k) by omega.
  apply (f_equal (fun a => Z.testbit a n)) in Hk.
  replace (-2^Z.of_N k) with (-1*2^Z.of_N k) in Hk by ring.
  rewrite <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2, Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec,
             Z.testbit_neg_r with (n:=n-Z.of_N k) in Hk by (zify; omega).
  destruct (Z.testbit a n); easy.

Lemma congr_testbit :
  ∀ a b c, ab [c] ->
  ∀ i, Z.testbit (Z.lor c (-c)) i = false ->
    Z.testbit a i = Z.testbit b i.
  intros a b c [q Hq] i Hi. subst b.
  destruct (lor_opp c) as [|[k Hk]]. subst. f_equal. ring.
  rewrite Hk in Hi.
  replace (-2^k) with (-1*2^k) in Hi by ring.
  rewrite <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 in Hi by (fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
  destruct (Z_lt_dec i k) as [Hi'|Hi'].
  2:rewrite Z.shiftl_spec_high, Int.Ztestbit_m1 in Hi by (fastunwrap; Psatz.lia);
  clear Hi.
  pose proof (lor_div c). rewrite Hk in H. destruct H.
  rewrite H, <- Z.mul_opp_comm, Z.mul_assoc, <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by (fastunwrap; Psatz.lia).
  pose proof Z.add_carry_bits a (Z.shiftl (q*-x) k) false.
  destruct H0 as (d & ? & ? & ?).
  simpl in H0. rewrite Z.add_0_r in H0. fastunwrap. rewrite H0. clear H0.
  rewrite Z.lxor_assoc, Z.lxor_spec, <- (xorb_false_r (Z.testbit a i)) at 1. f_equal.
  rewrite <- Zdiv2_div in H1.
  clear Hk H. revert k i Hi' a d H1 H2.
  induction k using N.peano_ind; intros.
  - rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r; auto.
  - refine (let H := IHk (Z.pred i) _ (Z.div2 a) (Z.div2 d) _ _ in _).
    + zify; omega.
    + rewrite H1 at 1.
      rewrite !Z.div2_spec, Z.shiftr_lor, !Z.shiftr_land, Z.shiftr_lor,
              Z.shiftr_shiftl_l, Z.sub_1_r, N2Z.inj_succ, Z.pred_succ by (zify; omega).
    + rewrite H1, Z.lor_spec, !Z.land_spec, Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec_low, H2,
        andb_false_r, andb_false_l by Psatz.lia. auto.
    + rewrite Z.lxor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec_low by auto.
      rewrite Z.lxor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec_low, Z.div2_spec in H by (zify; omega).
      destruct i.
      * rewrite H2. auto.
      * rewrite H, Z.shiftr_spec at 1 by (zify; omega). f_equal. f_equal. omega.
      * rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r; reflexivity.

Lemma testbit_congr :
  ∀ a b c,
    (∀ i, 0 <= i -> Z.testbit (Z.lor c (-c)) i = false ->
          Z.testbit a i = Z.testbit b i) ->
    ab [-Z.lor c (-c)].
  destruct (lor_opp c) as [|[k Hk]].
  { subst. replace b with a. apply congr_refl.
    apply Z.bits_inj'. intros. apply H. auto. apply Z.bits_0. }
  assert (∀ i, i < k -> Z.testbit a i = Z.testbit b i).
  { intros. destruct (Z_le_dec 0 i).
    apply H. auto. rewrite Hk. replace (-2^k) with (-1*2^k) by ring.
    rewrite <- Z.shiftl_mul_pow2, Z.shiftl_spec_low by (zify; omega). auto.
    rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r by omega; auto. }
  clear H.
  assert (∀ i, 0 <= i -> i < k -> Z.testbit (a-b) i = false).
  { intros i Hi Hi'. clear Hk.
    pose proof Z.add_carry_bits a (Z.lnot b) true.
    destruct H as (d & ? & ? & ?).
    rewrite <- Z.div2_div in H1.
    replace (a+Z.lnot b+Z.b2z true) with (a-b) in H by (unfold Z.lnot, Z.b2z; omega).
    rewrite H, !Z.lxor_spec, Z.lnot_spec by omega.
    rewrite H0, <- negb_xorb_r, xorb_nilpotent by auto.
    replace (Z.testbit d i) with true. auto. clear H.
    revert i Hi Hi' d a b H0 H1 H2. induction k using N.peano_ind.
    - intros. fastunwrap. zify; omega.
    - intros. destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 i). 2:rewrite <- H2; f_equal; omega. fastunwrap.
      refine (let IHks := IHk (Z.pred i) _ _ (Z.div2 d) (Z.div2 a) (Z.div2 b) _ _ _ in _).
      + omega.
      + zify; omega.
      + intros. destruct (Z_lt_dec i0 0). rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r; now auto.
        rewrite !Z.div2_spec, !Z.shiftr_spec by omega. apply H0. zify; omega.
      + rewrite H1 at 1.
        rewrite !Z.div2_spec, Z.shiftr_lor, !Z.shiftr_land, Z.shiftr_lor, Z.lnot_shiftr by omega. auto.
      + rewrite H1, Z.lor_spec, !Z.land_spec, Z.lor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, H0, H2, orb_negb_r,
                orb_true_r by (zify; omega).
      + rewrite Z.div2_spec, Z.shiftr_spec in IHks by omega.
        rewrite IHks. f_equal. omega. }
  assert (Z.shiftl (Z.shiftr (a-b) k) k = a-b).
  { apply Z.bits_inj'. intros.
    rewrite Z.shiftl_spec by auto.
    destruct (Z_lt_dec n k).
    - rewrite H, Z.testbit_neg_r by omega. auto.
    - rewrite Z.shiftr_spec by omega. f_equal. ring. }
  rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 in H1 by (fastunwrap; zify; omega).
  exists (-Z.shiftr (a-b) k). rewrite Hk, Z.opp_involutive, <- Zopp_mult_distr_l, H1.

Lemma zc_forward_and_sound x y (x0 y0:Z) :
  γ x x0 → γ y y0 → γ (zc_forward_and x y) ( x0 y0).
  intros Hx0 Hy0.
  assert (Hx:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hx0).
  assert (Hy:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hy0).
  unfold zc_forward_and. fastunwrap.
  set (maskx := Z.lor (Z.of_N x.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N x.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (masky := Z.lor (Z.of_N y.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N y.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (unknownx := Z.lor maskx x.(zc_rem)).
  set (unknowny := Z.lor masky y.(zc_rem)).
  set (unknowndirect := Z.lor maskx masky).
  set (unknown := ( unknownx unknowny) unknowndirect).
  set (modu := Z.lor unknown (-unknown)).
  assert (modu <= 0).
  { unfold modu. destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H. compute. discriminate.
    rewrite Hk. apply Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg, Z.pow_nonneg. omega. }
  red. red. unfold zc_rem, zc_mod. fold (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y) (zc_mod x) (zc_mod y).
  fastunwrap. rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq by auto. apply testbit_congr.
  replace (-1-modu) with (Z.lnot modu) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  intros. unfold modu.
  rewrite !Z.land_spec, Z.lnot_spec, H1, Bool.andb_true_r by auto.
  rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1. destruct H1.
  unfold unknown in H1. rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Bool.andb_false_iff in H1.
  destruct H1 as [[]|].
  - unfold unknownx in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hx, H3 by auto. auto.
  - unfold unknowny in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hy, H3, !Bool.andb_false_r by auto. auto.
  - unfold unknowndirect in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hx, Hy by auto. auto.

Lemma zc_forward_or_sound x y (x0 y0:Z) :
  γ x x0 → γ y y0 → γ (zc_forward_or x y) (Z.lor x0 y0).
  intros Hx0 Hy0.
  assert (Hx:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hx0).
  assert (Hy:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hy0).
  unfold zc_forward_or. fastunwrap.
  set (maskx := Z.lor (Z.of_N x.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N x.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (masky := Z.lor (Z.of_N y.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N y.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (unknownx := Z.lor maskx (Z.lnot x.(zc_rem))).
  set (unknowny := Z.lor masky (Z.lnot y.(zc_rem))).
  set (unknowndirect := Z.lor maskx masky).
  set (unknown := ( unknownx unknowny) unknowndirect).
  set (modu := Z.lor unknown (-unknown)).
  assert (modu <= 0).
  { unfold modu. destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H. compute. discriminate.
    rewrite Hk. apply Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg, Z.pow_nonneg. omega. }
  red. red. unfold zc_rem, zc_mod. fold (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y) (zc_mod x) (zc_mod y).
  fastunwrap. rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq by auto. apply testbit_congr.
  replace (-1-modu) with (Z.lnot modu) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  intros. unfold modu.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, H1, Bool.andb_true_r by auto.
  rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1. destruct H1.
  unfold unknown in H1. rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Bool.andb_false_iff in H1.
  destruct H1 as [[]|].
  - unfold unknownx in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff, negb_false_iff in H1 by auto.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hx, H3 by auto. auto.
  - unfold unknowny in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff, negb_false_iff in H1 by auto.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hy, H3, !Bool.orb_true_r by auto. auto.
  - unfold unknowndirect in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1.
    destruct H1. rewrite Hx, Hy by auto. auto.

Lemma zc_forward_xor_sound x y (x0 y0:Z) :
  γ x x0 → γ y y0 → γ (zc_forward_xor x y) (Z.lxor x0 y0).
  intros Hx0 Hy0.
  assert (Hx:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hx0).
  assert (Hy:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hy0).
  unfold zc_forward_xor. fastunwrap.
  set (maskx := Z.lor (Z.of_N x.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N x.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (masky := Z.lor (Z.of_N y.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N y.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (unknown := Z.lor maskx masky).
  set (modu := Z.lor unknown (-unknown)).
  assert (modu <= 0).
  { unfold modu. destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H. compute. discriminate.
    rewrite Hk. apply Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg, Z.pow_nonneg. omega. }
  red. red. unfold zc_rem, zc_mod. fold (zc_rem x) (zc_rem y) (zc_mod x) (zc_mod y).
  fastunwrap. rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq by auto. apply testbit_congr.
  replace (-1-modu) with (Z.lnot modu) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  intros. unfold modu.
  destruct (Z_le_dec 0 i). 2:rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r by omega; auto.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lxor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, H1, Bool.andb_true_r by auto.
  rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1. destruct H1.
  unfold unknown in H1. rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H1.
  destruct H1. rewrite Hx, Hy by auto. auto.

Lemma zcmp_eq_spec i j : Zcmp Ceq i j = eqb true (i =? j).
  simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
  generalize (Zcompare_elim (i = j) (i < j) (i > j) i j id id id).
  destruct (i ?= j); intuition.

Lemma zcmp_ne_spec i j : Zcmp Cne i j = eqb false (i =? j).
  simpl. rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
  generalize (Zcompare_elim (i = j) (i < j) (i > j) i j id id id).
  destruct (i ?= j); intuition.

Lemma zc_cmp_eq_sound b x y (i j:Z) :
  i ∈ γ(x) → j ∈ γ(y) → ((if Bool.eqb b (i =? j) return Zfast then F1 else F0):Z) ∈ γ(zc_cmp_eq b x y).
  unfold zc_cmp_eq.
  intros I J.
  destruct x as [[xr] [[|x']]];
  destruct y as [[yr] [[|y']]];
  try apply congr_0_eq in I;
  try apply congr_0_eq in J;
  simpl in *; subst.
  - generalize (Z.eqb_spec xr yr). intros. rewrite Zfasteqb_Zeqb. apply zc_bool_sound.
  - fastunwrap. pose proof divide_ok (xr-yr) (N.pos y').
  destruct divide. apply top_correct.
  destruct (Z.eqb_spec xr j). 2:apply zc_bool_sound. subst.
  cut (false = true). discriminate.
  apply H. destruct J as [q J]. simpl in J. exists (-q). simpl. Psatz.lia.
- fastunwrap. pose proof divide_ok (xr-yr) (N.pos x').
  destruct divide. apply top_correct.
  destruct (Z.eqb_spec i yr). 2:apply zc_bool_sound. subst.
  cut (false = true). discriminate.
  apply H. destruct I as [q I]. simpl in I. exists q. simpl. Psatz.lia.
- apply top_correct.

Lemma zc_cmp_sound c x y (i j:Z) :
  γ x i → γ y j → γ (zc_cmp c x y) ((if Zcmp c i j return Zfast then F1 else F0):Z).
  intros I J.
  destruct c; auto.
  rewrite zcmp_eq_spec. apply zc_cmp_eq_sound; auto.
  rewrite zcmp_ne_spec. apply zc_cmp_eq_sound; auto.
  apply top_correct. apply top_correct. apply top_correct. apply top_correct.

Instance zc_ideal_gamma : gamma_op zcongr ideal_num := fun ab x =>
  match x with INz z => (z:Z) ∈ γ ab | INf _ => False end.

Lemma extern_top_correct_id:
  ∀ (ab:zcongr) (x:Z), x ∈ γ ab -> INz x ∈ γ (extern_top ab).
  intros. unfold extern_top. fastunwrap.
  destruct (N.eqb_spec ab.(zc_mod) 1); easy.

Lemma intern_top_correct_id:
  ∀ (ab:zcongr+⊤) (x:Z), INz x ∈ γ ab -> x ∈ γ (intern_top ab).
intros. destruct ab. apply top_correct. auto. Qed.

Lemma zc_forward_unop_sound op i a :
  γ a i → ∀ n, eval_iunop op i n → γ (zc_forward_unop op a) n.
  destruct op; intros H n K; try (simpl; now auto); inv K.
  - (* neg *) destruct a. auto. apply zc_neg_sound, H.
  - (* not *)
    replace (Z.lnot i0) with (- 1 - i0). unfold zc_forward_unop.
    apply extern_top_correct_id.
    apply zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastsub) (i:=-1), intern_top_correct_id, H.
    apply congr_minus_compat. exists 0. auto.
    unfold Z.lnot. omega.

Lemma zc_forward_binop_sound op :
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ n, eval_ibinop op i j n
       γ (zc_forward_binop op a b) n.
  destruct op; intros i x X j y Y a H; unfold γ; simpl; auto; try apply top_correct;
  inv H; try apply extern_top_correct_id;
  apply intern_top_correct_id in X; apply intern_top_correct_id in Y.
  apply zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastadd); auto. apply congr_plus_compat.
  apply zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastsub); auto. apply congr_minus_compat.
  apply zc_mul_sound; auto.
  eapply @botbind_spec with (A':=Z), zc_quot_sound; eauto.
  intros. apply extern_top_correct_id, H.
  apply zc_remainder_sound; auto.
  apply zc_forward_and_sound; auto.
  apply zc_forward_or_sound; auto.
  apply zc_forward_xor_sound; auto.
  apply zc_shl_sound; auto.
  apply zc_shr_sound; auto.
  pose proof zc_cmp_sound c _ _ _ _ X Y.
  destruct Zcmp; apply extern_top_correct_id, H.

Lemma zc_backward_add_sound:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res (i+j) ->
  γ (zc_backward_add res a b) (INz i, INz j).
  intros. split; simpl.
  replace i with ((i+j)-j) by ring.
  apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastsub); auto.
  apply congr_minus_compat.
  replace j with ((i+j)-i) by ring.
  apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastsub); auto.
  apply congr_minus_compat.

Lemma zc_backward_sub_sound:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res (i-j) ->
  γ (zc_backward_sub res a b) (INz i, INz j).
  intros. split; simpl.
  replace i with ((i-j)+j) by ring.
  apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastadd); auto.
  apply congr_plus_compat.
  replace j with (i-(i-j)) by ring.
  apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_add_sound with (plus:=Zfastsub); auto.
  apply congr_minus_compat.

Lemma zc_backward_mod_sound:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, j <> 0 -> γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res (Z.rem i j) ->
  γ (zc_backward_mod res a b) (INz i, INz j).
  intros. split. 2:easy. simpl. apply extern_top_correct_id.
  unfold zc_gamma. simpl.
  set (m:=Nfastgcd (zc_mod res) (Nfastgcd (zc_mod b) (Zfastabs (zc_rem b)))).
  destruct a as [[ar] [am]], b as [[br] [bm]], res as [[resr] [resm]], H, H1, H2.
  simpl in *.
  assert (m | i - Z.rem i j).
  { subst m br ar. fastunwrap.
    rewrite !Ngcd_is_Zgcd, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.gcd_abs_r, Z.rem_eq,
            Z.sub_sub_distr, Z.sub_diag, Z.add_0_l by auto.
    eapply Z.divide_trans, Z.divide_mul_l. apply Zgcd_divides_r.
    assert (j=j+x0*bm - x0*bm) by ring.
    rewrite H at 2.
    apply Z.divide_sub_r. apply Zgcd_divides_r. apply Z.divide_mul_r, Zgcd_divides_l. }
  assert (m | Z.rem i j - resr).
  { subst m resr. fastunwrap. rewrite !Ngcd_is_Zgcd, N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.gcd_abs_r.
    rewrite Z.sub_add_distr, Z.sub_diag, Z.sub_0_l.
    apply Zdivide_opp_r, Z.divide_mul_r, Zgcd_divides_l. }
  eapply Z.divide_add_r in H4. 2:apply H3.
  replace (i - Z.rem i j + (Z.rem i j - resr)) with (i - resr) in H4 by ring.
  destruct H4, m as [[]].
  - simpl in H4. assert (i = resr) by omega. subst i. exists 0. simpl. omega.
  - simpl. rewrite Z.mod_eq by easy. exists (- x2 - (resr/N.pos p)).
    fastunwrap. Psatz.lia.

Lemma zc_bw_cmp_sound c:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res ((if Zcmp c i j then F1 else F0):Z) ->
  γ (zc_bw_cmp c res a b) (INz i, INz j).
  unfold zc_bw_cmp. destruct res as [[res_rem] [[]]]; simpl. 2:split; apply extern_top_correct_id; auto.
  intro RES.
  assert (Zcmp c i j = negb (Zfasteqb res_rem F0)).
  { destruct RES. simpl in H1. fastunwrap. simpl. rewrite Z.mul_0_r, Z.add_0_r in H1.
    destruct (Z.eqb_spec res_rem 0), Zcmp; subst; auto. discriminate. }
  clear RES.
  destruct c, Zfasteqb; (try now (split; apply extern_top_correct_id; auto));
  simpl in H1; destruct (Z.compare_spec i j); try discriminate; subst;
  (apply botbind_spec with j; [split; apply extern_top_correct_id; eauto|apply meet_correct; auto]).

Lemma zc_backward_and_l_sound:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res ( i j) ->
  γ (zc_backward_and_l res a b) i.
  intros i x Hx0 j y Hy0 res Hres0.
  assert (Hx:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hx0).
  assert (Hy:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hy0).
  assert (Hres:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hres0).
  unfold zc_backward_and_l. fastunwrap.
  set (maskx := Z.lor (Z.of_N x.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N x.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (masky := Z.lor (Z.of_N y.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N y.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (maskres := Z.lor (Z.of_N res.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N res.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (unknown0res := Z.lor (Z.lor (zc_rem res) (Z.lnot (zc_rem y))) (Z.lor masky maskres)).
  set (unknown0 := unknown0res (Z.lor maskx (zc_rem x))).
  set (unknown1res := Z.lor (Z.lnot (zc_rem res)) maskres).
  set (unknown1 := unknown1res (Z.lor maskx (Z.lnot (zc_rem x)))).
  set (unknown := unknown0 unknown1).
  assert (∀ n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit unknown0 n = false -> Z.testbit i n = false).
  { intros. subst unknown0 unknown0res.
    rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lor_spec, Z.lnot_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff, !Bool.orb_false_iff in H0 by omega.
    destruct H0 as [[[] []]|[]].
    - rewrite <- Hres, Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff, Hy in H0 by auto.
      destruct H0. auto. rewrite H0 in H1. discriminate.
    - rewrite <- Hx in H1 by auto. auto. }
  assert (∀ n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit unknown1 n = false -> Z.testbit i n = true).
  { intros. subst unknown1 unknown1res.
    rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lor_spec, !Z.lnot_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff, !Bool.orb_false_iff in H1 by omega.
    destruct H1 as [[]|[]].
    - rewrite <- Hres, Z.land_spec, Bool.negb_false_iff in H1 by auto.
      destruct (Z.testbit i n). auto. discriminate.
    - rewrite <- Hx in H2 by auto.
      destruct (Z.testbit i n). auto. discriminate. }
  assert (Z.lor unknown0 unknown1 = -1).
  { apply Z.bits_inj'. intros.
    rewrite Z.lor_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 by auto.
    apply not_false_is_true. rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff. intro. destruct H2.
    apply H in H2. apply H0 in H3. congruence. auto. auto. }
  rewrite H1, Z.eqb_refl.
  set (modu := Z.lor unknown (-unknown)).
  assert (modu <= 0).
  { unfold modu. destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H2. compute. discriminate.
    rewrite Hk. apply Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg, Z.pow_nonneg. omega. }
  red. red. red. red. unfold zc_rem, zc_mod. fastunwrap.
  rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq by auto. apply testbit_congr.
  replace (-1 - modu) with (Z.lnot modu) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  intros. unfold modu.
  rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Z.lnot_spec, H4 by auto.
  rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H4.
  unfold unknown in H4. destruct H4.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff in H4. destruct H4.
  - rewrite H, H4 by auto. auto.
  - rewrite H0, H4 by auto.
    apply (f_equal (fun n => Z.testbit n i0)) in H1.
    rewrite Z.lor_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1, Bool.orb_true_iff in H1 by auto.
    destruct H1. rewrite H1. auto. congruence.

Lemma zc_backward_or_l_sound:
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ res, γ res (Z.lor i j) ->
  γ (zc_backward_or_l res a b) i.
  intros i x Hx0 j y Hy0 res Hres0.
  assert (Hx:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hx0).
  assert (Hy:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hy0).
  assert (Hres:=congr_testbit _ _ _ Hres0).
  unfold zc_backward_or_l. fastunwrap.
  set (maskx := Z.lor (Z.of_N x.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N x.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (masky := Z.lor (Z.of_N y.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N y.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (maskres := Z.lor (Z.of_N res.(zc_mod)) (-Z.of_N res.(zc_mod))) in *.
  set (unknown1res := Z.lor (Z.lor (Z.lnot (zc_rem res)) (zc_rem y)) (Z.lor masky maskres)).
  set (unknown1 := unknown1res (Z.lor maskx (Z.lnot (zc_rem x)))).
  set (unknown0res := Z.lor (zc_rem res) maskres).
  set (unknown0 := unknown0res (Z.lor maskx (zc_rem x))).
  set (unknown := unknown0 unknown1).
  assert (∀ n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit unknown1 n = false -> Z.testbit i n = true).
  { intros. subst unknown1 unknown1res.
    rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lor_spec, !Z.lnot_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff, !Bool.orb_false_iff in H0 by omega.
    destruct H0 as [[[] []]|[]].
    - rewrite <- Hres, Z.lor_spec, negb_false_iff, Bool.orb_true_iff, Hy in H0 by auto.
      destruct H0. auto. rewrite H0 in H1. discriminate.
    - rewrite <- Hx in H1 by auto. apply negb_false_iff. auto. }
  assert (∀ n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit unknown0 n = false -> Z.testbit i n = false).
  { intros. subst unknown0 unknown0res.
    rewrite Z.land_spec, !Z.lor_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff, !Bool.orb_false_iff in H1 by omega.
    destruct H1 as [[]|[]].
    - rewrite <- Hres, Z.lor_spec in H1 by auto.
      destruct (Z.testbit i n). discriminate. auto.
    - rewrite <- Hx in H2 by auto. auto. }
  assert (Z.lor unknown0 unknown1 = -1).
  { apply Z.bits_inj'. intros.
    rewrite Z.lor_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1 by auto.
    apply not_false_is_true. rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff. intro. destruct H2.
    apply H0 in H2. apply H in H3. congruence. auto. auto. }
  rewrite H1, Z.eqb_refl.
  set (modu := Z.lor unknown (-unknown)).
  assert (modu <= 0).
  { unfold modu. destruct (lor_opp unknown) as [|[k Hk]]. rewrite H2. compute. discriminate.
    rewrite Hk. apply Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg, Z.pow_nonneg. omega. }
  red. red. red. red. unfold zc_rem, zc_mod. fastunwrap.
  rewrite N2Z.inj_abs_N, Z.abs_neq by auto. apply testbit_congr.
  replace (-1 - modu) with (Z.lnot modu) by (unfold Z.lnot; omega).
  intros. unfold modu.
  rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Z.lnot_spec, H4 by auto.
  rewrite Z.lor_spec, Bool.orb_false_iff in H4.
  unfold unknown in H4. destruct H4.
  rewrite Z.land_spec, Bool.andb_false_iff in H4. destruct H4.
  - rewrite H0, H4 by auto. auto.
  - rewrite H, H4 by auto.
    apply (f_equal (fun n => Z.testbit n i0)) in H1.
    rewrite Z.lor_spec, Int.Ztestbit_m1, Bool.orb_true_iff in H1 by auto.
    destruct H1. rewrite H1. auto. congruence.

Lemma zc_backward_binop_sound op :
  ∀ i a, γ a i
  ∀ j b, γ b j
  ∀ n res, γ res n ->
  eval_ibinop op i j n
  γ (zc_backward_binop op res a b) (i, j).
  intros i x X j y Y n res RES H. inv H.
  - eapply zc_backward_add_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
  - apply zc_backward_sub_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - apply zc_backward_mod_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
  - eapply botbind_spec with i1, zc_backward_and_l_sound; eauto using intern_top_correct_id.
    intros. eapply botbind_spec with i2, zc_backward_and_l_sound; eauto using intern_top_correct_id.
    intros. split; apply extern_top_correct_id; auto.
    rewrite Z.land_comm. auto.
  - eapply botbind_spec with i1, zc_backward_or_l_sound; eauto using intern_top_correct_id.
    intros. eapply botbind_spec with i2, zc_backward_or_l_sound; eauto using intern_top_correct_id.
    intros. split; apply extern_top_correct_id; auto.
    rewrite Z.lor_comm. auto.
  - split.
    + replace i1 with (Z.lxor (Z.lxor i1 i2) i2). apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_forward_xor_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
      rewrite Z.lxor_assoc, Z.lxor_nilpotent. apply Z.lxor_0_r.
    + replace i2 with (Z.lxor (Z.lxor i1 i2) i1). apply extern_top_correct_id, zc_forward_xor_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
      rewrite Z.lxor_comm, <- Z.lxor_assoc, Z.lxor_nilpotent. apply Z.lxor_0_l.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - apply zc_bw_cmp_sound; auto using intern_top_correct_id.
    destruct Zcmp; auto.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.
  - split; apply top_correct.

Definition enrich_query_chan fev (chan:query_chan) : query_chan :=
  {| get_var_ty := chan.(get_var_ty);
     get_itv := chan.(get_itv);
     get_congr expr :=
       do ab <- fev expr;
       meet (NotBot (intern_top ab)) (chan.(get_congr) expr);
     get_eq_expr := chan.(get_eq_expr);
     linearize_expr := chan.(linearize_expr) |}.

Instance zc_ideal_non_rel (_:unit) : ab_ideal_nonrel zcongr :=
  { widen := join
  ; const n := match n with INf _ => All | INz z => Just (zc_const z) end
  ; z_itv itv := All
  ; forward_unop op ab := NotBot (zc_forward_unop op ab)
  ; forward_binop op l r := zc_forward_binop op l r
  ; backward_unop op res ab := NotBot ab
  ; backward_binop op res l r :=
      match res with
        | All => top
        | Just res => zc_backward_binop op res l r
  ; forward_var fev x ab c := NotBot ab
  ; backward_var fev AB bev var_ref x ab abenv :=
      do abenv' <- var_ref ab (fst abenv);
      match (snd abenv).(get_eq_expr) x with
      | Some (Leaf e) => bev e ab (abenv', snd abenv)
      | _ => NotBot abenv'
  ; enrich_query_chan := enrich_query_chan
  ; process_msg fev TAB bev msg ab := NotBot (fst ab, msg::nil)
  ; assign_msgs x zc :=
      if Nfasteqb zc.(zc_mod) F0 then Known_value_msg x (INz zc.(zc_rem))::nil
      else if Nfasteqb zc.(zc_mod) F1 then nil
           else Congr_msg x zc::nil
  ; assume_msgs x zc_old zc :=
      if Nfasteqb zc.(zc_mod) F0 then Known_value_msg x (INz zc.(zc_rem))::nil
      else if Nfasteqb zc.(zc_mod) F1 then nil
           else Congr_msg x zc::nil

Instance zc_ideal_non_rel_correct : ab_ideal_nonrel_correct (zc_ideal_non_rel tt) _.
- simpl. intro. unfold join, join_top_res. rewrite zc_join_eq. auto.
- simpl. intro. unfold widen, join, join_top_res. rewrite zc_join_eq. auto.
- simpl. intro. unfold leb, zc_leb. fastunwrap. destruct (N.eqb_spec (zc_mod x) 0).
  rewrite Z.eqb_refl. auto.
  rewrite N.mod_same, Z.sub_diag by auto. auto.
- simpl. intros x y LE [f|z] G. exact G.
  revert G. simpl. apply leb_correct; auto.
- intros x y [f|z]. destruct (xy); simpl; now intuition.
  simpl. destruct (xy) eqn:?; simpl; auto. intro. apply join_correct in H.
  rewrite Heqy0 in H. auto.
- simpl. intros x y [f|z]. destruct (xy); simpl; now intuition.
  simpl. intros. apply meet_correct in H. destruct (xy); auto.
- intros x y [f|[z]]. destruct (widen x y); simpl; now intuition.
  simpl. destruct (xy) eqn:?; simpl; auto. intro.
  eapply or_introl with (B:=γ y z) in H.
  apply join_correct in H. rewrite Heqy0 in H. auto.
- destruct n. constructor. exists 0. simpl. ring.
- easy.
- intros. eapply zc_forward_unop_sound; eauto.
- intros. eapply zc_forward_binop_sound; eauto.
- easy.
- intros. destruct res_ab. split; apply top_correct.
  simpl backward_binop. eapply zc_backward_binop_sound, H2; auto.
- intros. simpl. auto.
- intros. simpl. eapply botbind_spec, H1, H3; auto. intros.
  pose proof get_eq_expr_correct (proj2 H3) x.
  destruct @get_eq_expr as [[]|]; try apply H4.
  specialize (H5 _ eq_refl). inv H5. eapply H0; eauto. split. auto. apply H3.
- split; intros; try (apply H0; now auto).
  eapply botbind_spec, H; eauto. intros. apply meet_correct. split.
  apply intern_top_correct_id. destruct z. auto.
  eapply get_congr_correct, H1. auto.
  eapply linearize_expr_correct, H2. eauto. auto.
- split. apply H2. repeat constructor. auto.
- intros. unfold assign_msgs, zc_ideal_non_rel.
  destruct v as [[rem] [[|[]]]]; repeat constructor; auto.
  simpl. destructx), H. simpl in H. f_equal. destruct z.
  f_equal. simpl in *. omega.
- intros. unfold assume_msgs, zc_ideal_non_rel.
  destruct vNew as [[rem] [[|[]]]]; repeat constructor; auto.
  simpl. destructx) as [|[]], H0. simpl in H0. f_equal. simpl in *. f_equal. omega.

Definition t := @IdealBoxDomain.t zcongr.

Instance zcongr_ideal_env : ab_ideal_env t (t+⊥) :=
  ideal_box_domain _ zc_ideal_non_rel_correct.