Module Sets

Require Import
  Coqlib String ToString Util
  Maps ShareTree TreeAl AdomLib

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.

Definition orb_left (x y: bool) : xx || y.
now intros ->. Qed.

Definition orb_right (x y: bool) : yx || y.
now intros ->; apply orb_comm. Qed.

Ltac bleft := apply orb_left.
Ltac bright := apply orb_right.

Module Type SET.
  Parameter t : Type.
  Parameter elt : Type.
  Parameter union: t -> t -> t.
  Parameter inter: t -> t -> t.
  Parameter le : t -> t -> bool.
  Parameter empty: t.
  Parameter add: elt -> t -> t.
  Parameter mem : elt -> t -> bool.

  Parameter elements : t -> list elt.

  Parameter fold : forall (A : Type) (f: elt -> A -> A), t -> A -> A.

  Parameter le_spec : forall s1 s2,
    (forall x, mem x s1 -> mem x s2) <-> le s1 s2 = true.
  Parameter mem_empty: forall x, ~mem x empty.
  Parameter mem_add: forall x y s, mem x (add y s) <-> mem x s \/ x = y.
  Parameter mem_union: forall b s1 s2,
    mem b (union s1 s2) = mem b s1 || mem b s2.
  Parameter mem_inter: forall b s1 s2,
    mem b (inter s1 s2) <-> mem b s1 /\ mem b s2.
  Parameter elements_spec : forall s x,
    mem x s <-> List.In x (elements s).
  Parameter elements_norepet : forall s, list_norepet (elements s).
  Parameter fold_spec : forall A f s a,
    @fold A f s a = List.fold_right f a (elements s).
  Hint Resolve mem_union.
End SET.

Module SetOp (S : SET).

  Definition build (l: list S.elt) : S.t :=
    List.fold_left (fun a b => S.add b a) l S.empty.

  Lemma mem_build x l :
    S.mem x (build l) <-> In x l.
    unfold build.
    assert (forall s,
              S.mem x (fold_left (λ (a : S.t) (b : S.elt), S.add b a) l s)
              <-> In x l \/ S.mem x s).
    { induction l. simpl. intuition.
      simpl. intro. rewrite IHl, S.mem_add. now intuition. }
    rewrite H. split; auto. intros [?|?]; auto. edestruct S.mem_empty; eauto.

  Definition singleton x := S.add x S.empty.

  Lemma mem_singleton :
    forall x y, S.mem x (singleton y) <-> x = y.
    unfold singleton. intros. rewrite S.mem_add.
    split; auto. intros [?|?]; auto. edestruct S.mem_empty; eauto.

  Definition union_list (l: list S.t) : S.t :=
    List.fold_left S.union l S.empty.

  Lemma In_union_list: forall l b s,
    List.In s l -> S.mem b s -> S.mem b (union_list l).
    refine (rev_ind _ _ _).
    - simpl; intuition congruence.
    - intros a l IH b s.
      rewrite in_app. unfold union_list. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl.
      intuition; rewrite S.mem_union.
      + rewrite IH; eauto.
      + now subst; bright.

  Instance toString `{ToString S.elt} : ToString S.t :=
    { to_string x :=
        ( "{ " ++
               (fun a e =>
                  to_string e ++ "; " ++ a
               (S.elements x)

  Local Instance Sleb : leb_op S.t := S.le.
  Local Instance Sjoin : join_op S.t S.t := S.union.

  Lemma elements_empty : S.elements S.empty = nil.
    generalizex, proj2 (S.elements_spec S.empty x)).
    destruct S.elements. auto.
    intros X.
    specialize (X _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    elim (S.mem_empty X).

  Definition rem s x s' : Prop :=
    (∀ y, S.mem y s → (x = yS.mem y s')) ∧
    (∀ y, S.mem y s' → xyS.mem y s).

  Lemma foldspec A f :
    ∀ P : S.tAAProp,
      (∀ s s' a b x, S.mem x srem s x s' → P s' a bP s a (f x b)) →
      ∀ a, (∀ s, (∀ x, ¬ S.mem x s) → P s a a) → ∀ s, P s a (S.fold f s a).
    intros P H a H0 s. rewrite S.fold_spec.
    generalize (S.elements_norepet s).
    generalize (S.elements_spec s).
    generalize (S.elements s). intros l. revert s a H0.
    induction l as [|x l IH].
    intros s a H0 H1 H2. apply H0. intros x K. apply (proj1 (H1 _) K).
    intros s a H0 H1 H2.
    simpl. apply (H _ (build l)). apply H1. left; reflexivity.
    split. intros y H3. specialize (H1 y). destruct (proj1 H1 H3) as [X|X]. auto.
    right. apply mem_build, X.
    inv H2; auto. intros y X. split. intros ->. apply H5, mem_build, X.
    specialize (H1 y). apply (proj2 H1). simpl. right. apply mem_build, X.
    apply IH. auto. intros y. apply mem_build. inv H2; auto.

  Definition existsb (f: S.eltbool) (s: S.t) : bool :=
    S.foldx b, b || f(x)) s false.

  Lemma existsb_exists f s :
    existsb f s = true ↔ (∃ x, S.mem x sf x = true).
    unfold existsb.
    apply foldspec.
    intros s0 s' a b x IN [H K] [X Y].
    destruct b; simpl. clear Y. specialize (X eq_refl).
    destruct X as (y & IN' & X).
    split. intros _. exists y. split; auto. apply K, IN'. reflexivity.
    clear X. split. intros X. exists x. auto.
    intros (y & INy & Hy). specialize (H y INy). intuition. congruence.
    refine (false_not_true _ _). apply Y. eauto.
    intros s0 H; split. intros X; apply (false_not_true X).
    intros (x & X & X'). eelim H; eassumption.

  Corollary existsb_forall f s :
    existsb f s = false ↔ (∀ x, S.mem x sf x = false).
    destruct (existsb_exists f s) as [A B].
    destruct (existsb f s); split; intros H.
    eq_some_inv. destruct (A eq_refl) as (x & IN & X). rewrite <- X. auto.
    intros x IN. destruct (f x) eqn: E. specialize (B (ex_intro _ x (conj IN E))). auto. reflexivity.

  Inductive classify_t := Empty | Singleton (v: S.elt) | Large.
  Definition classify (s: S.t) : classify_t :=
    S.folde a, match a with Empty => Singleton e | Singleton _ | Large => Large end) s Empty.

  Lemma classify_correct s :
    match classify s with
    | Empty => ∀ x, ¬ S.mem x s
    | Singleton e => S.mem e s ∧ ∀ x, S.mem x sx = e
    | Large => ∃ x y, xyS.mem x sS.mem y s
    unfold classify.
    apply foldspec; auto.
    intros s s' a [|e|] x Hxs [H H0] H1.
    - split. assumption. intros x' H2. destruct (H _ H2); auto. elim (H1 x'); assumption.
    - exists x, e. split; [|split].
      apply H0. intuition.
      easy. apply H0; intuition.
    - destruct H1 as (y & z & Hyz & Hy & Hz).
      destruct (H0 _ Hy);
      destruct (H0 _ Hz);

  Definition is_singleton (s: S.t) : option S.elt :=
    match classify s with Singleton e => Some e | _ => None end.

  Lemma is_singleton_correct s e : is_singleton s = Some eS.mem e s ∧ ∀ x, S.mem x sx = e.
    unfold is_singleton. generalize (classify_correct s). destruct classify; intros; eq_some_inv.
    subst. assumption.

  Definition map (f: S.eltS.elt) (s: S.t) : S.t :=
    S.fold (fun k s => S.add (f k) s) s S.empty.

  Lemma map_in f (s: S.t) : ∀ x, S.mem x sS.mem (f x) (map f s).
    unfold map. intros. apply or_introl with (B:=S.mem (f x) S.empty) in H.
    revert H. apply foldspec; intros.
    - apply S.mem_add. destruct H2. 2:now intuition.
      destruct H0. destruct (H0 _ H2) as [->|]; auto.
    - now firstorder.

End SetOp.

Module Tree2Set (T:SHARETREE) <: SET with Definition elt := T.elt.

  Definition t := T.t unit.

  Definition elt := T.elt.

  Definition beq : t -> t -> bool := T.beq (fun _ _ => true).

  Program Definition union (x y: t) : t :=
    T.shcombine (fun _ a b => match a return _ with Some _ => a | None => b end) _ x y.
Next Obligation.
destruct v; auto. Qed.

  Program Definition inter (x y: t) : t :=
    T.shcombine (fun _ a b => match a return _ with Some _ => b | None => a end) _ x y.
Next Obligation.
destruct v; auto. Qed.

  Definition mem (v: elt) (x: t) : bool := match T.get v x with Some _ => true | None => false end.

  Program Definition le (x y: t) : bool :=
    T.shforall2 (fun _ a b => match a, b return _ with
                                | None, _ | Some _, Some _ => true
                                | _, _ => false
                _ x y.
Next Obligation.
destruct v; auto. Qed.

  Definition elements (x:t) : list elt :=
    T.fold (fun b v _ => v::b) x nil.

  Definition empty := T.empty unit.

  Definition add x s := T.set x tt s.

  Definition rem x s : t := T.remove x s.

  Definition fold A (f: elt -> A -> A) : t -> A -> A :=
    T.fold (fun a e _ => f e a).

  Lemma le_spec : forall s1 s2,
    (forall x, mem x s1 -> mem x s2) <-> le s1 s2 = true.
    intros s1 s2. unfold le, mem. rewrite T.shforall2_correct.
    split; intros; specialize (H x); destruct T.get, T.get; auto.
    specialize (H eq_refl); discriminate.

  Lemma mem_empty: forall x, ~mem x empty.
unfold mem, empty. intros. rewrite T.gempty. discriminate. Qed.

  Lemma mem_add: forall x y s, mem x (add y s) <-> mem x s \/ x = y.
    intros. unfold add, mem.
    rewrite T.gsspec. destruct T.elt_eq; now intuition.

  Lemma mem_rem: forall x y s, mem x (rem y s) <-> mem x s /\ x <> y.
    intros. unfold rem, mem.
    rewrite T.grspec. destruct T.elt_eq; now intuition.

  Lemma mem_union: forall b s1 s2,
    mem b (union s1 s2) = mem b s1 || mem b s2.
    intros. unfold mem, union. rewrite T.gshcombine.
    destruct T.get, T.get; now intuition.

  Lemma mem_inter: forall b s1 s2,
    mem b (inter s1 s2) <-> mem b s1 /\ mem b s2.
    intros. unfold mem, inter. rewrite T.gshcombine.
    destruct T.get, T.get; now intuition.

  Lemma elements_spec : forall s x,
    mem x s <-> List.In x (elements s).
    unfold elements, mem.
    rewrite T.fold_spec.
    split. destruct (T.get x s) eqn:?. 2:discriminate. intros _. pose proof (T.elements_correct Heqo).
    generalize dependent (T.elements s). refine (rev_ind _ _ _).
    inversion 1.
    intros (b & ()) l IH. rewrite in_app, fold_left_app. simpl. intuition. inv H. auto.
    intros K. rewrite T.elements_complete with (v:=tt). auto.
    generalize dependent (T.elements s). refine (rev_ind _ _ _). simpl. auto.
    intros (b & ()) l IH. rewrite in_app, fold_left_app. simpl. intuition. subst. intuition.

  Lemma elements_norepet : forall s, list_norepet (elements s).
    intros s.
    unfold elements.
    repeat rewrite T.fold_spec.
    generalize (T.elements_keys_norepet s).
    generalize (T.elements s). clear s.
    induction l using rev_ind.
    rewrite fold_left_app, map_app. simpl.
    intros H. apply list_norepet_append_commut in H.
    simpl in H. inv H.
    constructor; auto. clear -H2.
    induction l using rev_ind. exact id.
    rewrite fold_left_app.
    rewrite map_app, in_app in H2.
    simpl in *. intuition.

  Lemma fold_spec A f s (a: A) :
    fold f s a = List.fold_right f a (elements s).
    unfold fold, elements.
    repeat rewrite T.fold_spec.
    generalize (T.elements s). clear s.
    induction l using rev_ind.
    repeat rewrite fold_left_app. simpl. rewrite <- IHl.

End Tree2Set.

Module PSet := Tree2Set PShareTree.
Module PSetOp := SetOp PSet.

Lemma pset_beq_mem (s t: PSet.t) :
  PSet.beq s t = true
  ∀ x: PSet.elt, PSet.mem x s = PSet.mem x t.
  unfold PSet.beq, PSet.mem. rewrite PTree.beq_correct.
  intros K x. specialize (K x).
  destruct (s!x) as [()|]; destruct (t!x) as [()|]; intuition.

Module ZSet := Tree2Set ZShareTree.
Module ZSetOp := SetOp ZSet.

Global Instance ZSet_gamma : gamma_op ZSet.t int :=
  fun s i => ZSet.mem (Int.unsigned i) s.

Section NOREP.

Context (A: Type) (f: Apositive).

Fixpoint norep_aux (l: list A) (s: PSet.t) {struct l} : bool :=
  match l with
  | nil => true
  | a :: l' =>
    let h := f(a) in
    if PSet.mem h s
    then false
    else norep_aux l' (PSet.add h s)

Lemma norep_aux_correct :
  ∀ l s,
    if norep_aux l s
      list_norepet ( f l) ∧
      ∀ h, List.In h ( f l) → PSet.mem h s = trueFalse
      (¬ list_norepet ( f l)) ∨
      ∃ a, List.In a lPSet.mem (f a) s
  induction l as [|a l IH].
  simpl. intuition. vauto.
  intros s. simpl.
  destruct (PSet.mem (f a) s) eqn: Ha.
  specialize (IH (PSet.add (f a) s)).
  destruct (norep_aux).
- destruct IH as (NR & NI).
  split. constructor; auto.
  intros IN.
  apply (NI (f a) IN).
  apply PSet.mem_add. auto.
  intros h [ <- | IN ] H. rewrite H in Ha. eq_some_inv.
  apply (NI _ IN). apply PSet.mem_add. auto.
- destruct IH as [ NNR | (v & V & IN) ].
  + left. intros K. inv K. apply NNR. assumption.
  + destruct (peq (f a) (f v)).
    left. intros K; inv K. apply H1.
    rewrite in_map_iff. vauto.
    exists v. split. right; exact V.
    apply PSet.mem_add in IN. intuition.

Definition norepet_map (l: list A) : bool :=
  norep_aux l PSet.empty.

Lemma norepet_map_iff (l: list A) :
  norepet_map llist_norepet ( f l).
  unfold norepet_map.
  generalize (norep_aux_correct l PSet.empty).
  destruct norep_aux.
- intros [NR _]. split. exact_, NR). exact_, eq_refl).
- intros H. split. intros K. unfold is_true in K. eq_some_inv.
  intros NR. destruct H as [ H | (a & Ha & K) ].
  elim (H NR).
  elim (PSet.mem_empty _ K).