Module NeedOp

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Op.
Require Import NeedDomain.
Require Import RTL.

Neededness analysis for IA32 operators

Definition op1 (nv: nval) := nv :: nil.
Definition op2 (nv: nval) := nv :: nv :: nil.

Definition needs_of_condition (cond: condition): list nval :=
  match cond with
  | Cmaskzero n | Cmasknotzero n => op1 (maskzero n)
  | _ => nil

Definition needs_of_addressing (addr: addressing) (nv: nval): list nval :=
  match addr with
  | Aindexed n => op1 (modarith nv)
  | Aindexed2 n => op2 (modarith nv)
  | Ascaled sc ofs => op1 (modarith (modarith nv))
  | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs => op2 (modarith nv)
  | Aglobal s ofs => nil
  | Abased s ofs => op1 (modarith nv)
  | Abasedscaled sc s ofs => op1 (modarith (modarith nv))
  | Ainstack ofs => nil

Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
  match op with
  | Omove => op1 nv
  | Ointconst n => nil
  | Ofloatconst n => nil
  | Osingleconst n => nil
  | Oindirectsymbol id => nil
  | Ocast8signed => op1 (sign_ext 8 nv)
  | Ocast8unsigned => op1 (zero_ext 8 nv)
  | Ocast16signed => op1 (sign_ext 16 nv)
  | Ocast16unsigned => op1 (zero_ext 16 nv)
  | Oneg => op1 (modarith nv)
  | Osub => op2 (default nv)
  | Omul => op2 (modarith nv)
  | Omulimm n => op1 (modarith nv)
  | Omulhs | Omulhu | Odiv | Odivu | Omod | Omodu => op2 (default nv)
  | Oand => op2 (bitwise nv)
  | Oandimm n => op1 (andimm nv n)
  | Oor => op2 (bitwise nv)
  | Oorimm n => op1 (orimm nv n)
  | Oxor => op2 (bitwise nv)
  | Oxorimm n => op1 (bitwise nv)
  | Onot => op1 (bitwise nv)
  | Oshl => op2 (default nv)
  | Oshlimm n => op1 (shlimm nv n)
  | Oshr => op2 (default nv)
  | Oshrimm n => op1 (shrimm nv n)
  | Oshrximm n => op1 (default nv)
  | Oshru => op2 (default nv)
  | Oshruimm n => op1 (shruimm nv n)
  | Ororimm n => op1 (ror nv n)
  | Oshldimm n => op1 (default nv)
  | Olea addr => needs_of_addressing addr nv
  | Onegf | Oabsf => op1 (default nv)
  | Oaddf | Osubf | Omulf | Odivf => op2 (default nv)
  | Onegfs | Oabsfs => op1 (default nv)
  | Oaddfs | Osubfs | Omulfs | Odivfs => op2 (default nv)
  | Osingleoffloat | Ofloatofsingle => op1 (default nv)
  | Ointoffloat | Ofloatofint | Ointofsingle | Osingleofint => op1 (default nv)
  | Omakelong => op2 (default nv)
  | Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
  | Ocmp c => needs_of_condition c

Definition operation_is_redundant (op: operation) (nv: nval): bool :=
  match op with
  | Ocast8signed => sign_ext_redundant 8 nv
  | Ocast8unsigned => zero_ext_redundant 8 nv
  | Ocast16signed => sign_ext_redundant 16 nv
  | Ocast16unsigned => zero_ext_redundant 16 nv
  | Oandimm n => andimm_redundant nv n
  | Oorimm n => orimm_redundant nv n
  | _ => false

Ltac InvAgree :=
  match goal with
  | [H: vagree_list nil _ _ |- _ ] => inv H; InvAgree
  | [H: vagree_list (_::_) _ _ |- _ ] => inv H; InvAgree
  | _ => idtac

Ltac TrivialExists :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- exists v, Some ?x = Some v /\ _ ] => exists x; split; auto
  | _ => idtac


Variable ge: genv.
Variable sp: block.
Variables m m': mem.
Hypothesis PERM: forall b ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p -> Mem.perm m' b ofs k p.

Lemma needs_of_condition_sound:
  forall cond args b args',
  eval_condition cond args m = Some b ->
  vagree_list args args' (needs_of_condition cond) ->
  eval_condition cond args' m' = Some b.
  intros. destruct cond; simpl in H;
  try (eapply default_needs_of_condition_sound; eauto; fail);
  simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree.
- eapply maskzero_sound; eauto.
- destruct (Val.maskzero_bool v i) as [b'|] eqn:MZ; try discriminate.
  erewrite maskzero_sound; eauto.

Lemma needs_of_addressing_sound:
  forall (ge: genv) sp addr args v nv args',
  eval_addressing ge (Vptr sp addr args = Some v ->
  vagree_list args args' (needs_of_addressing addr nv) ->
  exists v',
     eval_addressing ge (Vptr sp addr args' = Some v'
  /\ vagree v v' nv.
  unfold needs_of_addressing; intros.
  destruct addr; simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree; TrivialExists;
  auto using add_sound, mul_sound with na.
  apply add_sound; auto with na. apply add_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto.
  apply add_sound; auto. apply add_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto with na.
  apply mul_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto with na.

Lemma needs_of_operation_sound:
  forall op args v nv args',
  eval_operation ge (Vptr sp op args m = Some v ->
  vagree_list args args' (needs_of_operation op nv) ->
  nv <> Nothing ->
  exists v',
     eval_operation ge (Vptr sp op args' m' = Some v'
  /\ vagree v v' nv.
  unfold needs_of_operation; intros; destruct op; try (eapply default_needs_of_operation_sound; eauto; fail);
  simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree; TrivialExists.
- apply sign_ext_sound; auto. compute; auto.
- apply zero_ext_sound; auto. omega.
- apply sign_ext_sound; auto. compute; auto.
- apply zero_ext_sound; auto. omega.
- apply neg_sound; auto.
- apply mul_sound; auto.
- apply mul_sound; auto with na.
- apply and_sound; auto.
- apply andimm_sound; auto.
- apply or_sound; auto.
- apply orimm_sound; auto.
- apply xor_sound; auto.
- apply xor_sound; auto with na.
- apply notint_sound; auto.
- apply shlimm_sound; auto.
- apply shrimm_sound; auto.
- apply shruimm_sound; auto.
- apply ror_sound; auto.
- eapply needs_of_addressing_sound; eauto.
- destruct (eval_condition c args m) as [b|] eqn:EC; simpl in H2.
  erewrite needs_of_condition_sound by eauto.
  subst v; simpl. auto with na.
  subst v; auto with na.

Lemma operation_is_redundant_sound:
  forall op nv arg1 args v arg1' args',
  operation_is_redundant op nv = true ->
  eval_operation ge (Vptr sp op (arg1 :: args) m = Some v ->
  vagree_list (arg1 :: args) (arg1' :: args') (needs_of_operation op nv) ->
  vagree v arg1' nv.
  intros. destruct op; simpl in *; try discriminate; inv H1; FuncInv; subst.
- apply sign_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega.
- apply zero_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega.
- apply sign_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega.
- apply zero_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega.
- apply andimm_redundant_sound; auto.
- apply orimm_redundant_sound; auto.