Module CstrC

Require String.
Require Import Itv.
Require Export LinTerm.
Require Import Debugging.
Require Export DomainInterfaces.

Open Scope option.

Module Type CstrSig <: CondSig QNum.
This is the interface for linear relation representations.

  Parameter t: Type.

  Parameter sat: t -> Mem.t QNum.t -> Prop.

  Parameter mayDependOn: t -> PVar.t -> Prop.
  Parameter sat_mdo: mdoExt mayDependOn sat Logic.eq.

  Definition Incl (c1: t) (c2: t): Prop
    := forall m, sat c1 m -> sat c2 m.
  Hint Unfold Incl: pedraQ.

  Parameter isIncl: t -> t -> bool.
  Parameter IsIncl_correct: forall c1 c2: t, If isIncl c1 c2 THEN Incl c1 c2.
  Hint Resolve IsIncl_correct: pedraQ.

  Parameter isContrad: t -> bool.
  Parameter IsContrad_correct: forall c: t, If isContrad c THEN forall m, ~(sat c m).
  Hint Resolve IsContrad_correct: pedraQ.

  Parameter top: t.
  Parameter top_correct: forall m, sat top m.

  Parameter add: t -> t -> t.
  Parameter Add_correct: forall (c1 c2: t) m,
    sat c1 m -> sat c2 m -> sat (add c1 c2) m.

  Parameter mul: QNum.t -> t -> t.
  Parameter mul_correct: forall n c m, sat c m -> sat (mul n c) m.

  Parameter merge: t -> t -> t.
  Parameter Merge_correct: forall c1 c2 m, sat c1 m -> sat c2 m -> sat (merge c1 c2) m.

WHEN c is an equality, build the two equivalent non-strict inequalities.
  Parameter split: t -> option (t * t).
  Parameter split_correct: forall c, WHEN p <- split c THEN Incl c (fst p) /\ Incl c (snd p).

  Hint Resolve top_correct Add_correct mul_correct Merge_correct split_correct: pedraQ.

  Parameter isFree: PVar.t -> t -> bool.
  Parameter isFree_correct: forall (x: PVar.t) (c: t), (If (isFree x c) THEN ~(mayDependOn c x)).
  Hint Resolve isFree_correct:pedraQ.

  Parameter rename: PVar.t -> PVar.t -> t -> t.
  Parameter rename_correct: forall (x y:PVar.t) (l:t) m,
    (sat (rename x y l) m)=(sat l (Mem.assign x (m y) m)).

  Parameter pr: t -> String.string.

End CstrSig.

Module CstrImpl (L: LinSig QNum) <: CstrSig.
Standard parametric representation in a normalized form, with all variables on one side of the relation operator and the constant on the other.

  Record tInd: Type := mk { coefs: L.t; typ: cmpT; cst: QNum.t }.
  Definition t := tInd.

  Definition sat (c: t) m: Prop
    := QNum.cmpDenote (typ c) (L.eval (coefs c) m) (cst c).

  Definition mayDependOn (c:t) (x: PVar.t) : Prop :=
    L.mayDependOn (coefs c) x.

  Lemma sat_mdo: mdoExt mayDependOn sat Logic.eq.
    unfold mdoExt, bExt, sat, mayDependOn; destruct e; simpl.
    intros; erewrite L.eval_mdo; eauto.

  Definition top := {| coefs:= L.nil; typ:= EqT; cst:=QNum.z |}.
  Lemma top_correct m: sat top m.
    unfold sat; rewrite L.NilEval.
    simpl; auto.
  Hint Resolve top_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition Incl (c1: t) (c2: t): Prop
    := forall m, sat c1 m -> sat c2 m.

  Definition isInclEq (c1 c2: t): bool :=
    match (typ c2) with
      | EqT =>
        if QNum.eqDec (cst c1) (cst c2) then true else false
      | LtT =>
        if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c1) (cst c2) then true else false
      | LeT =>
        if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c2) (cst c1) then false else true
  Extraction Inline isInclEq.
  Lemma isInclEq_correct c1 c2:
    (typ c1 = EqT) -> L.Eq (coefs c1) (coefs c2) ->
    If isInclEq c1 c2 THEN Incl c1 c2.
    unfold isInclEq, Incl, sat, L.Eq.
    intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; clear H1.
    destruct (typ c2); PedraQsimplify;
      intros m; rewrite H2; simpl;
        intros X; rewrite X; auto.
  Hint Local Resolve isInclEq_correct: pedraQ.
  Definition isInclLt (c1 c2: t): bool :=
    match (typ c2) with
      | LtT | LeT =>
        if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c2) (cst c1) then false else true
      | _ => false
  Extraction Inline isInclLt.

  Lemma isInclLt_correct c1 c2:
    (typ c1 = LtT) -> L.Eq (coefs c1) (coefs c2) ->
    If isInclLt c1 c2 THEN Incl c1 c2.
    unfold isInclLt, Incl, sat, L.Eq.
    intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; clear H1.
    destruct (typ c2); PedraQsimplify;
      intros m; rewrite H2; simpl; eauto with num.
  Hint Local Resolve isInclLt_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition isInclLe (c1 c2: t): bool :=
    match (typ c2) with
      | LtT =>
        if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c1) (cst c2) then true else false
      | LeT =>
        if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c2) (cst c1) then false else true

      | _ => false
  Extraction Inline isInclLe.

  Lemma isInclLe_correct c1 c2:
    (typ c1 = LeT) -> L.Eq (coefs c1) (coefs c2) ->
    If isInclLe c1 c2 THEN Incl c1 c2.
    unfold isInclLe, Incl, sat, L.Eq.
    intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; clear H1.
    destruct (typ c2); PedraQsimplify;
      intros m; rewrite H2; simpl; eauto with num.
  Hint Local Resolve isInclLe_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition isIncl (c1 c2: t): bool :=
    L.isEq (coefs c1) (coefs c2)
    &&& match typ c1 with
          | EqT => isInclEq c1 c2
          | LtT => isInclLt c1 c2
          | LeT => isInclLe c1 c2

  Ltac destructyp c H :=
    elimtype (exists x, (typ c)=x); eauto;
      let cmp:=fresh "cmp" in
        intros cmp H; rewrite !H in * |- *; destruct cmp; simpl.

  Lemma IsIncl_correct c1 c2: If isIncl c1 c2 THEN Incl c1 c2.
    unfold isIncl;
      destructyp c1 X; PedraQsimplify.
  Hint Resolve IsIncl_correct: pedraQ.
  Global Opaque isIncl.

  Definition isContrad (c: t): bool :=
    L.isEq (coefs c) L.nil
    &&& match typ c with
          | EqT => if QNum.eqDec QNum.z (cst c) then false else true
          | LtT => if QNum.ltLeDec QNum.z (cst c) then false else true
          | LeT => if QNum.ltLeDec (cst c) QNum.z then true else false
  Lemma IsContrad_correct c': If isContrad c' THEN forall m, ~(sat c' m).
    unfold isContrad, sat.
    destructyp c' X; PedraQsimplify;
    intros; rewrite H, L.NilEval; eauto with num.
  Hint Resolve IsContrad_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition cmpAdd: cmpT -> cmpT -> cmpT
    := fun t1 t2 =>
      match t1 with
        | EqT => t2
        | LtT => LtT
        | LeT =>
          match t2 with
            | EqT => LeT
            | LeT => LeT
            | LtT => LtT

  Definition add (c1 c2: t): t :=
    mk (L.add (coefs c1) (coefs c2)) (cmpAdd (typ c1) (typ c2))
    (QNum.add (cst c1) (cst c2)).

  Lemma Add_correct: forall (c1 c2: t) m,
    sat c1 m -> sat c2 m -> sat (add c1 c2) m.
    intros c1 c2 x; destruct c1 as [lt1 ty1 c1], c2 as [lt2 ty2 c2]; unfold sat, add; simpl;
      rewrite L.Add_correct;
        destruct ty1; destruct ty2; simpl; intros; subst;
          ((auto with num; fail) || (rewrite QNum.AddComm, (QNum.AddComm (cst c1) (cst c2)); auto with num)).

  Definition mulSimpl (c: t) n: t :=
    mk (L.mul n (coefs c)) (typ c) (QNum.mul n (cst c)).

  Lemma mulSimpl_correct: forall (c: t) n (hn: typ c = EqT \/ not (QNum.Le n QNum.z))
    m, sat c m -> sat (mulSimpl c n) m.
    intros c n hn x; unfold sat, mulSimpl; simpl;
      destruct hn as [hn | hn];
        [ rewrite hn; simpl; rewrite (L.Mul_correct n (coefs c) x); intro h; rewrite h; trivial
          | destruct (typ c); simpl; rewrite (L.Mul_correct n (coefs c) x)].
    - intro h; rewrite h; trivial.
    - apply QNum.MulLe1, QNum.LtLe, QNum.LtNotLe.
    - apply QNum.MulLt, QNum.LtNotLe.
  Hint Local Resolve mulSimpl_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition mul (n: QNum.t) (c: t): t :=
    match typ c with
      | EqT => mulSimpl c n
      | _ => if QNum.ltLeDec QNum.z n then mulSimpl c n else failwith "mul" top

  Lemma mul_correct: forall n c, Incl c (mul n c).
    unfold mul; intros n c m.
    destructyp c X;
    destruct (QNum.ltLeDec QNum.z n); simpl;
      intuition eauto with pedraQ num.

  Definition merge c1 c2: t :=
    match typ c1 with
      | LeT =>
        match typ c2 with
          | LeT =>
            if L.isEq (coefs c2) (L.opp (coefs c1)) then
              if QNum.eqDec (cst c2) (QNum.opp (cst c1)) then
                mk (coefs c1) EqT (cst c1)
                  failwith "merge_1" top
                failwith "merge_2" top
          | _ => failwith "merge_3" top
      | _ => failwith "merge_4" top

  Lemma Merge_correct c1 c2 m: sat c1 m -> sat c2 m -> sat (merge c1 c2) m.
    unfold merge.
    destructyp c1 X1; auto with pedraQ.
    destructyp c2 X2; auto with pedraQ.
    intros H1 H2.
    PedraQsimplify; simpl; auto.
    intro H3. case (QNum.eqDec (cst c2) (QNum.opp (cst c1))); simpl; auto with pedraQ.
    intro H4; unfold sat in * |- *.
    rewrite X1, X2, H3, H4 in * |- *; simpl in * |- *.
    autorewrite with linterm in H2.
    auto with num.

  Definition split (c: t): option (t * t) :=
    match c with
      | mk a EqT b => Some (mk a LeT b, mk (L.opp a) LeT (QNum.opp b))
      | _ => None

  Lemma split_correct c: WHEN p <- split c THEN Incl c (fst p) /\ Incl c (snd p).
    unfold split, Incl.
    destruct c as [ c0 ty0 cst0].
    destruct ty0; simpl; auto.
    unfold sat; simpl; intuition subst; autorewrite with linterm; auto with num.

  Hint Resolve Add_correct mul_correct Merge_correct split_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition isFree (x: PVar.t) (c: t): bool
    := L.isFree x (coefs c).

  Lemma isFree_correct: forall (x: PVar.t) (c: t), (If (isFree x c) THEN ~(mayDependOn c x)).
  Hint Resolve isFree_correct: pedraQ.

  Definition rename x y c : t
    := {| coefs:= L.rename x y (coefs c); typ:=(typ c); cst:=(cst c) |}.
Below, the preservation of this strong property from LinTerm to CstrC is simpler to prove than the preservation of a weaker version using an hypothesis than y has no effect on the result. Indeed, it is not obvious to prove than if y has no effect on the result of sat c then it has no effect on the result of eval (coef c).
  Lemma rename_correct (x y:PVar.t) (l:t) m:
    (sat (rename x y l) m)=(sat l (Mem.assign x (m y) m)).
    unfold rename, sat; simpl.
    rewrite L.rename_correct. auto.

  Import String.
  Local Open Scope string_scope.

  Definition cmpPr: cmpT -> string
    := fun c =>
      match c with
        | EqT => "="
        | LeT => "<="
        | LtT => "<"

  Definition pr: t -> string
    := fun c => ( (coefs c)) ++ " " ++ (cmpPr (typ c))
      ++ " " ++ ( (cst c)).
End CstrImpl.

Module Cstr <: CstrSig.

  Include CstrImpl LinQ.


  Definition upperToCstr (v: LinQ.t) (n: QNum.t): t
   := {| coefs:= v ; typ:= LtT; cst := n |}.

  Lemma upperToCstr_correct l n m:
    sat (upperToCstr l n) m -> QNum.Lt (LinQ.eval l m) n.
    unfold upperToCstr, sat; simpl; auto.

  Definition upperOrEqualsToCstr (v: LinQ.t) (n: QNum.t): t
   := {| coefs:= v ; typ:= LeT; cst := n |}.

  Lemma upperOrEqualsToCstr_correct l n m:
    sat (upperOrEqualsToCstr l n) m -> QNum.Le (LinQ.eval l m) n.
    unfold upperOrEqualsToCstr, sat; simpl; auto.

  Definition lowerToCstr (v: LinQ.t) (n: QNum.t): t
   := {| coefs:=LinQ.opp v ; typ:= LtT; cst := QNum.opp n |}.

  Lemma lowerToCstr_correct l n m:
    sat (lowerToCstr l n) m -> QNum.Lt n (LinQ.eval l m).
    unfold lowerToCstr, sat; simpl; autorewrite with linterm num; auto.

  Definition lowerOrEqualsToCstr (v: LinQ.t) (n: QNum.t): t
   := {| coefs:=LinQ.opp v ; typ:= LeT; cst := QNum.opp n |}.

  Lemma lowerOrEqualsToCstr_correct l n m:
      sat (lowerOrEqualsToCstr l n) m -> QNum.Le n (LinQ.eval l m).
    unfold lowerOrEqualsToCstr, sat; simpl; autorewrite with linterm num; auto.
  Hint Resolve upperToCstr_correct upperOrEqualsToCstr_correct lowerToCstr_correct lowerOrEqualsToCstr_correct: pedraQ.

End Cstr.

Close Scope option.